Frequently Asked Questions
Contact Windell's Carpet Cleaning if you have any additional questions that are not in the list below.
Do you do in-home estimates?

We do not do in-home estimates; we do over the phone estimates based on your guesstimates. We will ask a few questions over the phone and formulate an estimate based on that information. At time of service, the first thing we will do is come in, look at you job, measure and tell you the final price before we start.
How do you charge?

We charge by the square foot with a flat fee for stairs and various upholstery pieces. It is a great idea to have a general idea of your room sizes or the overall size of your house when calling for an estimate.!
What should I do to get ready for my appointment?

It is a good idea to vacuum once or twice before your appointment date. It is also great practice to have your rooms picked up and any smaller furniture pieces that you would like cleaned under removed from the rooms being cleaned and pets put away. An open parking space in the driveway closest to the house and a clear walkway to the closet door is also preferred.
How long does it take?

Most homes take 1.5 to 2.5 hours to clean from start to finish, depending on the size and scope of work. Standard drying time is 2-4 hours afterwards.
Can I walk on the carpet after cleaning?

Yes! As long as your shoes/feet are clean, it will not hurt you, your pets, or the carpet to walk on it while it is still damp. However, we recommend that you stay off the carpet as much as possible until it's dry. We also recommend waiting as long as possible (24 hours is preferred) to put any furniture or other items back in the rooms.
Do you need access to water or sewer?

We bring our own water with us and take the waste water with us when we leave. All we need from you is electricity for lights and fans!
What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept cash, check, or credit card. There is a 3% convenience fee for card processing.
Do you make weekend appointments?

We do not do weekend appointments for residential work.